Oh, what could this transition be?
The National Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision taskforce has rolled out the second phase of circumcision on regions with a high burden of HIV this time targeting over 1 million men.
The chairman of the Inter County Taskforce on Male Circumcision Dr Ojwang Lusi said the program is transitioning to the second phase of implementation that will run to July 2019.
We all guessed what this means.
The second phase will lower the circumcision age of boys to between 10-14 years.
I assume there’s a Phase Three – or an undocumented aspect of Phase Two – involving infant “men”. Predictably, it’s obvious why.
Lusi further noted that some challenges emerged in the first phase that they will strive to address as the second phase.
He said most of the men above 25 years declined to go for the exercise with limited number of women getting involved in the exercise with their husbands.
Men won’t volunteer, so child men get “volunteered”. As always with those who are unethical, because outcome matters instead of consent.