Joint Government Effort to Eradicate Consent

As always: The Ministry Of Information and Communication Technology in partnership with the Ministry of Health and the centre for Disease Control in America are collaborating on a National Strategic framework known as the Voluntary Medical Male programme which is a joint government effort to eradicate the long struggle of HIV/AIDS infections. HIV/AIDS has always … Continue reading “Joint Government Effort to Eradicate Consent”

Not every male would have foreskin anxiety

It’s rare that I read something providing both confirmation and frustration. Such is the case with this interview with Aaron Calloway, a man who chose circumcision for himself as an adult. Some of Mr. Calloway’s thinking precedes the Q&A in the interview: “I have been in a couple of social circles where people would be … Continue reading “Not every male would have foreskin anxiety”

Flawed Circumcision Defense: Karin Klein

Encouraging half-baked opinions, like this one by Los Angeles Times reporter Karin Klein, is the inevitable result of the CDC’s proposed recommendation. The opinion piece is titled, “It’s time to end inaccurate criticisms of male circumcision”, which suggests its author should not offer an incomplete analysis in defense of male circumcision. That is what Ms. … Continue reading “Flawed Circumcision Defense: Karin Klein”

Flawed Circumcision Defense: Daulton Gatto defends Mike Gatto (no relation)

Remember back to the ballot initiative in San Francisco that sought to protect the same genital integrity rights for boys in San Francisco that are already protected for girls throughout America. In response to that, California Assemblyman Mike Gatto drafted a bill in 2011, AB768, which Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law that October. That’s … Continue reading “Flawed Circumcision Defense: Daulton Gatto defends Mike Gatto (no relation)”

“…but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.”

Rebecca Steinfeld describes Elissa Strauss’ essay, How Female Circumcision Is Different From a Brit Milah, as “badly researched & poorly argued”. Ms. Steinfeld is correct. Fighting against female circumcision, also known as female genital mutilation, is a no-brainer of an issue. Who could support the use of often unsterilized blades to slice off, in the … Continue reading ““…but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.””

The Majority of This Post’s Authors Oppose Unethical Practices

It’s no longer surprising to see the hyperbole concocted to make circumcision appear legitimate. The latest example comes from the Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Regional Exchange, which summarized a survey with the following: New study in Kenya reveals the majority of women prefer circumcised partners To summarize the study – Women’s Beliefs about Male … Continue reading “The Majority of This Post’s Authors Oppose Unethical Practices”

Flawed Circumcision Defense: Yair Rosenberg, Part 3

It won’t come as a surprise to read that I don’t think much of Yair Rosenberg’s lazy approach to analyzing non-therapeutic infant male circumcision. Add another example. This time he’s misreporting the findings of another meta-analysis by Brian Morris. Mr. Rosenberg quotes from a Daily Mail article that amounts to little more than a press … Continue reading “Flawed Circumcision Defense: Yair Rosenberg, Part 3”

Mark Joseph Stern Is Mistaken On Circumcision

It takes a special commitment to ignorance to cherry-pick evidence to prove that opponents cherry-pick evidence. Mark Joseph Stern possesses that special commitment. There are facts about circumcision—but you won’t find them easily on the Internet. Parents looking for straightforward evidence about benefits and risks are less likely to stumble across the Centers for Disease … Continue reading “Mark Joseph Stern Is Mistaken On Circumcision”

The Circumcision Decision

The Circumcision Decision You’re having a baby. It’s a joyous event. You’re excited and unsure if you’re up to the task. There will be a lot of on-the-job learning, as well as mistakes that will be more amusing with the passing of time. You’re not supposed to have all the answers, and with experience, it … Continue reading “The Circumcision Decision”